Laundry Services

Laundry Services is one of the jobs we offer at the iCare Disability Employment Centre. The service provides paid employment services to people living with a disability in supported working environment. We provide services to individuals and companies in Sydney. Our laundry facility is located at 1640 Camden Valley Way, Leppington, NSW 2179.

We service a broad spectrum of clients and have a range of work and training options designed to help you reach your goals, feel part of a team and earn an income from day one. If you’re living with an injury, illness or disability, and want to find a job, we can help.

Contact us today on 1300 721 755 and start your journey to independence and enjoying a fulfilling and rewarding job!

Our Services


  • Unit 1, 1640 Camden Valley Way Leppington NSW 2179
  • 1300 721 755

At iCare Disability Employment Centre, we believe that disability is not equal to inability. We offer disability employment services and employment opportunities for people living with disabilities.

Leppington NSW 2179
1300 721 755
(9am - 05 pm)